(Released 2007) Following up 2006's highly acclaimed "Eastern Philosophy" debut, Apathy continues his winning streak with a full length mixtape-style release aimed directly at his supportive fans who demand more material. This 28-track opus is filled with original songs, freestyles and skits. Over the years, this release has become an Apathy fan-favorite, due to bangers such as "The Game" w/ Vinnie Paz, "Ap Is Like", "Demigodzilla" w/ Celph Titled & Motive, "Fuck You", and the eclectic but hypnotic nod to Marilyn Manson, "Beautiful People". Definitely one of the stronger highlights of Ap's catalog, this title shouldn't be missed!
01. Intro
02. Welcome To Assholeville
03. Baptism By Fire (feat. Esoteric & Emilio Lopez)
04. Speak Ya Clout (feat. Ryu & Emilio Lopez)
05. Drive Slow
06. Wrong Number [Skit]
07. The Game (feat. Vinnie Paz)
08. Oh My God, Demigodz! (feat. Emilio Lopez)
09. Bootleg
10. Ap Is Like
11. Fuck You
12. The Doe Rakers (feat. Emilio Lopez, Motive & Southpaw Jones)
13. Cheap Sunglasses
14. Hip Hop Is Dead
15. The Beautiful People
16. Demigodzilla (feat. Motive & Celph Titled)
17. King of C.T.
18. Thief's Theme Freestyle
19. Phonejaxx.com [Skit]
20. Buggin' Out
21. Ugly Bitch (feat. Emilio Lopez)
22. Bobby Brown
23. One Step At A Time
24. Chemical [J-Zone Remix]
25. Me & My Friends [Apathy Remix] (feat. One Two & Celph Titled)
26. One Of Those Days [Dirty Love Remix]
27. The Winter [The Inhumanz Remix] (feat. Blue Raspberry)
28. Outro